Wallpaper Removal:
Wallpaper Removal is not something that a lot of people like to do. Have you ever heard that you can get divorced from wallpapering with your partner well – what could be worse – taking the wallpaper off!
Sometimes people wallpaper to hide things 🙂 so we never know what we’ll find. Most of the time it’s hard work. Sometimes it’s not bad and once in a while it’s terrible.
It all depends on how the installer did the job. I have seen wallpaper installed on bare drywall ( which peels half of your wall off and requires a lot of extra drywall work to get the walls ready for paint). We usually end up washing the glue off 2 times. So wallpaper removal can be expensive but we have done lots of it and I guarantee we’ll do it five times faster than you can. The best part is you will stay happily married! Call 519-721-1695
Hi There,
We just bought a new home and will need approx 800sq ft of wallpaper removed. Yikes!!! Could you give me a ballpark price on how much that may cost including having the walls in paint ready condition (providing things go smoothly). We are from guelph and are looking for service between the second week of August and the first week of September.
Thank you in advance
Sounds like 1000-$1500 to remove, wash and small patching. That is to say there is no major damage